
by admin_8047378942ER
Wet peening, shot peening, dry peening
Peening involves the use of spherical medias to “hammer” the surface of a material and is a very effective way to improve the fatigue strength of a...
by admin_8047378942ER
edge honing, cleaning and surface preparation
The Sabre, the latest wet blasting system from Vapormatt, will be launched this year at GrindTec 2014, which takes place between 19th and 22nd March...
by admin_8047378942ER
Edge honing of cutting tools, wet blasting
Cutting tools, used in the latest generation of machining centres, have to conform to ever higher standards of performance and accuracy.  To...
by admin_8047378942ER
Wet blasting, rapid prototypes, titanium printing.
The Vapormate wet-blasting cabinet from Vapormatt is allowing innovative manufacturer i2M to achieve a faster, more cost effective production process...
by admin_8047378942ER
Vapormatt, wet blasting, wire cleaning, cable cleaning, japan
Vapormatt is taking wet blasting into the North Asian market with the help of Japanese distributor A.K. Techno.  The partnership will enable...
by admin_8047378942ER
Metalex show, Vapormatt, Wet blasting asia.
I would imagine that when people think of Thailand manufacturing is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind.It certainly wasn’t for me…...
by admin_8047378942ER
Vapormatt, wet blasting services, bead blasting
With the UK’s Advanced Engineering show around the corner manufacturers and engineers will be able to see the latest developments and technologies...
by admin_8047378942ER
Vapormatt Panther system
Vapormatt, the world’s leading wet blasting company, is providing precision wet blasting solutions that significantly improve the quality of...
by admin_8047378942ER
Vapormatt, wet blasting services, bead blasting
Global wet blasting specialist Vapormatt has brought cost-effective, high quality surface finishing within easier reach of SMEs through its Contract...
by admin_8047378942ER
ALUEXPO 2013 brought together the leading specialists from the aluminium industry, as well as 151 international companies from 32 countries that...
