
by Miles
Jet engine MRO
As well as peening turbine and fan blades, wet blasting can be used to prepare the following engine components for NDT inspection by cleaning and /...
by Miles
MRO Americas
Meet us there, we will be on the DAES Group stand, stand number 4731. It's a great opportunity to discuss your cleaning, stripping, and general...
by Miles
Aircraft wheel before and after wet blasting for NDT
Removing multiple coating layers, oils, grease, and all contaminants in one operation delivers significant time and cost savings for MRO wheel and...
by Miles
Vapormatt HQ
A quick reminder to all our customers that we are closed for the UK Good Friday (29th March) and Easter Monday (1st April) public holidays.
by Miles
Jet engine fan blades
The lifespan of a turbine blade can be extended more than 1000% by wet shot peening. As well as peening to the same intensity as dry blasting it’s...
by Miles
Aerospace component crack before and after wet blasting
The flowing nature of wet blasting (also known as vapor blasting, vapour blasting or aqua blasting) exposes cracks by cleaning them out, making them...
by Miles
Vapormatt wet blasting applications for aerospace MRO
Our wet blasting machines can be found in many of the world's leading aerospace companies thanks to the benefits our technology offers and its many...
by Miles
MRO banner
We’re going to be on the DAES Group stand, stand number 4731.  With representatives based around the world, including the USA, DAES is our...
by Miles
Vapormatt Profelis automatic wet blasting machine blast manifold
Configuring the unique manifold of our automatic Profelis wet blasting machine (also known as vapor blasting machine, vapour blasting machine or aqua...
by Miles
Cutting Tool Insert
When it comes to cutting tool inserts our industry gold standard and highly versatile Tiger and Tiger + automatic wet blasting machines can perform...
