Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing is transforming industries across the globe: from textiles to aviation, construction to medicine.
With the versatile nature of the wet blasting process, there are a wide range of industries that can benefit from its possible applications.
As a company Vapormatt have chosen to focus primarily on those industries looking to improve the performance of their components through surface preparation, increase bonding/coating success of parts, and strengthen and peen critical components to remove compressive stresses.
Additive manufacturing is transforming industries across the globe: from textiles to aviation, construction to medicine.
From wet shot peening turbine and fan blades to preparing wheels and brakes for NDT, wet blasting has numerous applications and benefits for aerospace Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) operations.
There are multiple applications and benefits of wet blasting for aerospace manufacturers from wet shot peening fan blades to preparing composite propeller blades for bonding and coating.
Vapormatt have been active in the development of wet blasting systems for use in extrusion die shops for several decades.
As a manufacturer of bandsaw blades, you’ll be familiar with the issues that can result in a poor quality blade, overly sharp teeth that chip, cracking in the gullet between saw teeth and a surface that won’t readily accept anti-oxidation treatments or branding.
Vapormatt have been able to provide several systems for the preparation of composite components (typically carbon fibre) for bonding to other composite or metal parts.
Installed in many of the world’s largest insert manufacturers, our systems can finish inserts for coating, deliver a precise edge hone, or finish an insert after coating.
Fast and safe cleaning and finishing of defence components to ensure military assets are quickly back in service.
Finishing dental components by wet blasting for exceptional quality and regulatory compliance.
When precision, confidence and accuracy are critical to success, you need to have complete confidence in the equipment you're using.
Our automated systems are particularly effective at cleaning, honing and peening a broad range of different round shank tools.
Vapormatt have identified and provide wet blasting solutions that not only offer speed but, more importantly, great environmental benefits.