Career Opportunities at Vapormatt

Vapormatt is a major engineering success story.  We are a world leading specialist wet blast company and have honed the technology into a sophisticated, controlled process that has an ever increasing range of applications across a variety of market sectors.  We design, manufacture and supply high value, manual and automatic surface finishing machines to a growing customer base across the globe.

Leopard Horizontal

The Vapormatt Leopard has been designed with flexibility in mind. Not only is the Leopard one of Vapormatt's largest wet blasting cabinets but it is also available as a manual, automatic or walk-in solution.

Vapormatt's horizontal configuration of the Leopard can hold up to 5 tonnes in weight on its 1.85m turntable. With larger components the Leopard offers a hybrid solution allowing for most processing to be done automatically and any touch ups to be manually completed by an operator.

Aerospace surface treatments

With Vapormatt wet blast systems you accurately and consistently monitor your wet blast processes. This has made us a prefered choice for several OEM and MRO companies.

Deburring gains from Vapormatt wet blast technology

The wide range of machining operations to which components can be subjected is, arguably, more complex and critical today than ever.  The need to achieve the highest quality of final finish is also receiving greater attention – for both functional and aesthetic reasons. 

In this context, deburring has always been a key consideration.  Unwanted fragments of material and protrusions attached to a work piece, which can be caused by machining operations, need to be efficiently removed and, as a result, deburring can account for a significant portion of manufacturing costs.

Wet blasting technology provides key service enhancement to leading composite technology centre

The benefits of world leading wet blasting technology are enhancing the composite bonding performance at the country’s foremost international composite research centre.  A Vapormatt Cougar system has been installed at the Bristol premises of the National Composites Centre which works with an extensive range of cutting-edge manufacturing organisations and has a widely respected international reputation.

Latest innovation makes it easier to remove graphite lubricants from steel wire

Vapormatt has once again demonstrated its competence in systems design using a collaborative approach with 65 manufacturers across the globe. By designing and installing a system, that was a world first, for the removal of graphite lubricants from tool steel, clear benefits in terms of quality and speed have been realised.

Czech Republic

IPP Praha se již více než 20 let specializuje na dodávky špičkových zařízení a technologií pro povrchové úpravy a čištění kovových dílů a forem.

Kromě zařízení pro mokré tryskání Vapormatt  máme pro každý obor  zastoupení prvotřídních západoevropských firem  s rozsáhlými referencemi  v celé Evropě vč. ČR.

Dodávaná zařízení zahrnují prakticky všechny velikosti od malých van a kabin, až po rozsáhlé plně automatické linky vč. ultrazvukových a galvanických nebo myčky velkorozměrných dílů (např. železniční soukolí).

Sump Units

An operator wearing protective clothing controls a Mirus wet blast gun. The accelerated slurry from this will strip: paint, rust, grease and other debris from the surface of the component.

Using a Vapormatt glandless "Vortex" pump Vapormatt sump units can be used for the processing of larger items that are either to big to fit in a cabinet or have hard to reach faces that are best processed in a stand alone wet blast system.


Using a closed-circuit wet blast circuit Vapormatt phosmatt systems can simultaneously phosphate, etch, de-grease, de-rust and de-scale the surface.

The Phosmatt Process uses a heated phosphate solution as the carrier for the abrasive media. This combination causes the chemical action to start immediately between metal substrate and the phosphate solution as a result small, fast growing crystals appear on the nascent surface.


The Vaporblack process, developed jointly by Vapormatt and Blackfast Chemicals, enables parts to be processed at room temperature (18°C to 24°C) employing a special chemical that is far more environmentally friendly than conventional solutions and non-hazardous to operators.

Typical process time is less than five minutes, compared with the 45 minutes needed for traditional blacking.
