Having returned from a successful show at Farnborough this month it is clear that the demand for high end and controlled surface finishing is as important today as it ever has been. The forecasted growth for the global aerospace markets drives the need for lighter and more efficient aircraft something that requires suppliers to this industry to be forward thinking.
Vapormatt, the world’s leading wet blasting company, found that the interest in wet blasting was based on its ability to support a range of surface finishing applications from wet peening to aircraft wheel cleaning and titanium scale removal to composite preparation. This versatility coupled with Vapormatt’s unique and focused approach towards control and repeatability of the wet blast process meant the booth was well attended by visitors from all over the world.
“Our desire to be world leading made Farnborough a good choice” comments Tim England, Head of sales and marketing, “Being able to showcase the best of our wet blasting technology to a global aerospace market means our products can be presented to an audience who value the control and repeatability that we offer” He concludes.
Visitors to the stand were able to see a range of automatic wet blasting machines, look at a range of processed components and even have a go with Vapormatt’s latest wet blasting cabinet, the Puma, which had been designed specifically for wheel cleaning.
For those looking to learn more about wet blasting for aerospace Vapormatt have a free white paper that explains how to specify a wet blasting machine. Alternatively we have a team of application specialists who would be happy to help discuss any questions you may have.